TRAVERSE CITY, MI - One of the things we love to do on our "Behind the Mitten" radio show is to showcase Michigan music.
In fact, every song you hear on the show, including the bumper music we play in between segments, is by a Michigan artist. (Shout out to John Sinkevics of for helping us curate our songs!)
One of the artists we love is Northern Michigan's very own Drew Hale. We first met him in 2017 when he performed as part of the now-defunct Great Beerd Run at Grand Traverse Resort & Spa.
We loved his song "Great Lake Summer Night," and since hearing it for the first time we have made it one of our staple songs on the show each weekend. (LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE.)
Well, earlier this year Drew was selected as one of country music's Top 5 emerging artists. Thanks to Tractor Supply Co. and new artist Lainey Wilson, the Traverse City area singer will get a chance to grace the legendary Grand Ole Opry stage on Oct. 4 in Nashville and perform his current single, "River Jordan," which was recorded at Dogtown Studio in Grand Rapids.
He really is a great singer/songwriter. If you get a chance to see him perform live, do it!
Check out this great interview that aired Wednesday, Sept. 27 on the Ron Jolly Show in Traverse City. (LISTEN HERE.)
Sept. 28 - Drew Hale with Justin VanReenhen, 7 p.m. at North Bar, TC
Sept. 29 - Drew Hale (solo acoustic), Encore 201 (across the street from North Bar). $5
Sept. 30 - Drew Hale (w/ band), Encore 201, TC. $5
Grand Ole Opry show is Oct. 4 in Nashville. Learn more at
For a list of future shows and more info about Drew go to his website
"River Jordan" by Drew Hale.
John Gonzalez ("Gonzo") is co-host and co-founder of "Behind the Mitten," Michigan's premiere travel radio show and podcast. It can be heard on 19 affiliates throughout the state. He and Amy always entertain ideas for future shows and segments. Email him at